Friday, April 26, 2013

Journal Entry- Week 23


1. In your own words and using referenced quotes describe what is meant by the term “strategic leadership”. 

2. Identify two interesting similarities and two differences between the 5 Elements of Successful and Effective Strategic Leadership model and the Transcendent Leadership model. 

“Strategic leadership is the ability to shape the organization's decisions and deliver high value over time, not only personally but also by inspiring and managing others in the organization”- Lynch, R (2009)


“The process of using well considered tactics to communicate a vision for an organization or one of its parts. Strategic leadership typically manages, motivates and persuades staff to share that same vision, and can be an important tool for implementing change or creating organizational structure within a business.”- Business dictionary

Therefore to my understanding, Strategic leadership can be defined as the capability of a manager to interpret the strategic vision of the organization and thus make his subordinates acquire that vision. Strategic leader make organizational decisions that are responsible for value creation. They persuade employees, create cultures, allocate resources and work even under ambiguous scenario to give the best result possible and meet the organizational vision.

There are two Models for strategic leadership. They are:

Lynch's 5 elements of strategic leadership model

Transcendent Leadership model

Similarities and Differences:


v  Both models assess the changing environment and focus on how competitive advantage can be gained in long run.

v Transcendent leadership style involves transcending own ego and desire to help followers while 5 elements of strategic leader focus on motivating and nurturing the employees.

An organization needs to address its stakeholder’s needs. Both the models focus on it.

Transcendent leader focus on infrastructure, rules, structure while the other focuses on people, relationships etc.


Crossan, M., Vera, D and Nanjad, L. (2008) Transcendent Leadership: strategic leadership in dynamic environments, The Leadership Quarterly, Volume 19, Issue 5, October 2008, Pages 569-581

Lynch, R (2009) 5th Ed. Strategic Management, FT Prentice Hall, pg599

Strategic leadership. Business dictionary. [Online] Available at: [Accessed on: 24 April, 2013]

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